Published: 2024-07-12
A wave of extreme weather has struck Northern Italy, causing widespread disruption and damage.
Milan was hit by a violent hailstorm, with record-sized hailstones battering the eastern part of the city.
The regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Trentino-Alto Adige were particularly affected, with reports of flooding, landslides, and fallen trees.
In Como, the lake overflowed, while in Milan, lightning strikes damaged two electrical substations.
The province of Varese experienced significant issues with uprooted trees and flooded streets.
Weather forecasts indicate continued instability, with orange and yellow alerts issued for various regions in the coming days.
Related articles in Italian:
Maltempo, violenta grandinata a Milano: chicchi di grandezza record. Persona dispersa nell’Adda. Nubifragi nel Varesotto, a Como chiuso il lungolago
Il canile di Varese allagato e devastato dagli alberi caduti
Maltempo: forte vento e nubifragi nel Nord Italia, esondato il lago di Como
Maltempo al Nord: esondato il lago di Como, frane e disagi a Varese. Allagamenti anche in Trentino. Nove alpinisti bloccati sull’Alta Via
Nubifragi al Nord, nuova allerta meteo della Protezione civile. E al Sud continua il caldo africano
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