Published: 2024-10-09
Northern Italy is grappling with severe weather conditions, leading to widespread flooding and landslides.
In Genoa, the Cerusa River is at risk of overflowing, prompting the closure of all schools.
The situation is exacerbated by the arrival of Hurricane Kirk, which has already caused significant rainfall in Liguria, with over 300 mm recorded in some areas.
The region is under a red alert, with intense precipitation expected to continue.
In Milan, the Lambro River has overflowed, causing flooding in the Ponte Lambro district.
Authorities are on high alert, managing the situation with local emergency services.
The adverse weather is expected to persist, with further alerts issued across various regions, including Veneto and Campania.
Related articles in Italian:
Maltempo a Genova, il torrente Cerusa vicino all'esondazione
Maltempo, a Genova forti piogge e disagi alla circolazione: scatta l'allerta arancione - Il Sole 24 ORE
Nubifragi e frane in Liguria, Piemonte e Lombardia: scuole chiuse a Genova. Massima allerta in tutto il Nord
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