Published: 2024-10-23
In Pontelagoscuro, Ferrara, the Civil Protection has ordered the evacuation of seven families and four businesses due to the rising Po River.
The river surpassed the critical level of 2.50 meters, prompting the precautionary evacuation.
Residents, like Oscar Cobianchi, express reluctance to leave permanently due to theft concerns, opting to stay nearby in their cars.
The local government is actively coordinating with businesses, including Verderiva, which houses animals, to ensure safety.
Despite the river's rapid flow towards the delta, weather conditions remain stable, and authorities maintain high vigilance to prevent any danger.
Related articles in Italian:
Piena del Po nel Ferrarese, famiglie costrette a evacuare: "Dormiamo in auto, troppi furti"
Ferrara, piena del Po: via all'evacuazione di 7 famiglie. Piano per proteggere cavalli e animali domestici
Mantova, attesa per la piena del Po. È oltre la terza soglia di criticità (rossa)
Piena del Po nel Ferrarese, famiglie costrette a lasciare casa: "Dormiamo in macchina, troppi furti"
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