
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Weather Shifts: North-West Rain, Southern Heat

Published: 2024-08-26

The North-West of Italy is experiencing a shift in weather patterns, with cloudy skies and rain bringing relief from recent high temperatures.

An Atlantic trough has crossed the Alps, causing scattered showers, particularly in the Alpine regions from Piedmont to Alto Adige.

Meanwhile, the South continues to endure intense heat, with temperatures reaching up to 38°C in Sicily.

The atmospheric pressure is expected to drop slightly, increasing cloud cover, especially in the central and northern regions.

By Tuesday, the influence of a cold drop will lead to more frequent and irregular precipitation, particularly in the northern Alps and the Cuneo area.

Central Italy will see widespread thunderstorms, while the South remains mostly sunny but with potential isolated showers in mountainous areas.

Despite these changes, temperatures will remain above average, with the African anticyclone expected to regain strength by the weekend, pushing temperatures higher again.