
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Tragic Week of Workplace Fatalities in Brescia

Published: 2024-09-14

In a devastating week for workplace safety in Brescia, Italy, three workers have lost their lives in separate incidents.

On Thursday, 55-year-old Stefano Del Barba was tragically killed at Bettoni Plastica in Torbole Casaglia when a plastic load fell on him.

Despite immediate efforts by colleagues and emergency services, he could not be saved.

Just hours later, a 61-year-old woman was critically injured at Ondapack in Castenedolo when a gate fell on her.

The following day, Riccardo Gozzi, 49, died after falling eight meters while working at Damioli carpentry in Darfo Boario Terme.

These incidents highlight a pressing need for improved safety measures in workplaces across the region.