
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Tragic Canoe Accident Sparks Negligence Allegations

Published: 2024-08-11

In a tragic incident in Chiavari, Italy, 14-year-old Andrea Demattei lost his life due to hypothermia after being trapped in the icy waters of the Entella River during a canoe training session.

The incident, which occurred on January 12, 2023, has led to serious allegations of negligence against two instructors from the Shock Wave Sport club and six firefighters.

According to the Genoa public prosecutor, Francesco Cardona Albini, a series of errors and inadequate rescue efforts contributed to the boy's death.

The prosecutor highlights that the rescue team failed to execute effective maneuvers promptly, which could have potentially saved Andrea.

The preliminary hearing is set for November 7, where the court will decide whether to proceed with charges against the eight individuals involved.

The case underscores the critical importance of proper training and swift action in emergency situations.