Published: 2024-12-17
Andrea Poloni, a 55-year-old man from Treviso, Italy, has died following a severe fever and hemorrhage after returning from a trip to Congo.
Authorities suspect Congo fever, which, if confirmed, would mark the first such case in Italy.
Health officials have activated protocols, isolating one individual and collaborating with Rome's Spallanzani Institute to determine the exact cause.
Meanwhile, Congo's health ministry attributes a recent outbreak in the country, with 143 deaths, to severe malaria complicated by malnutrition.
The World Health Organization is also investigating, noting that multiple diseases may be involved.
Italian health authorities are monitoring another case of a woman with similar symptoms after returning from Congo.
Related articles in Italian:
Malattia del Congo, caso sospetto nel Trevigiano: muore un paziente di 55 anni rientrato da un viaggio
Malattia misteriosa, verifiche su una donna rientrata a Cosenza dal Congo
Malattia misteriosa in Congo, Oms: dai primi test l’80% dei campioni positivo a malaria
Muore per una febbre, era stato in Congo: accertamenti. Kinshasa: "Morbo misterioso è grave malaria”
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