Published: 2024-12-06
In a disturbing incident on the Milan-Bologna train line, Andrea Tampieri, a 33-year-old railway employee, was assaulted by a passenger without a ticket near Fidenza station.
This attack highlights the growing concern for the safety of railway workers, who frequently face aggression.
Tampieri, who was unexpectedly punched in the face, was assisted by two Mercitalia employees who subdued the attacker.
The incident has sparked calls for enhanced security measures, such as installing turnstiles at station entrances or deploying security personnel on trains.
Tampieri emphasizes the urgency of these measures, noting that while he was the victim today, it could be another colleague tomorrow.
Related articles in Italian:
Il capotreno aggredito a Fidenza: “Tornelli nelle stazioni per fermare chi è senza biglietto”
Passeggero sul Milano-Bologna colpisce il capotreno con un pugno al volto - Il Sole 24 ORE
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