
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Italy's Citizenship Debate Gains Momentum

Published: 2024-09-01

Italy is witnessing a growing debate over the citizenship rights of children born to foreign parents residing legally in the country.

The proposed "Ius Scholae" law, which would grant citizenship to children who have completed a school cycle in Italy, is gaining traction.

A recent survey indicates that 58% of Italians support this measure, reflecting a shift in public sentiment towards more inclusive citizenship policies.

Despite some political resistance, key figures like Vice Premier Antonio Tajani are advocating for the reform, emphasizing its potential benefits for integration and social cohesion.

The current law requires children to wait until they are 18 to apply for citizenship, a process criticized for leaving many in a legal limbo.

As Italy grapples with an aging population, the integration of young immigrants is seen as both a moral and economic imperative.