
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Italy's Budget Measures Set to Expire

Published: 2024-08-24

As the year draws to a close, many of the financial support measures for workers and families, funded by Italy's latest Budget Law, are set to expire.

Key measures include the reduction of the tax wedge, which is expected to be extended, and the 5% tax on performance bonuses.

Other expiring benefits include tax deductions for hiring women with at least two children and a 120% deduction for permanent hires.

The government has confirmed the continuation of the tax wedge cut for 2024, offering a 7% reduction for incomes under €25,000 and 6% for those between €25,000 and €35,000. However, the future of other measures, such as the "Decontribuzione Sud" bonus and the reduced RAI license fee, remains uncertain.

The upcoming decisions will depend heavily on available resources and political priorities.