
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Hidden Millions: Doctor's Secret Stash Exposed

Published: 2024-08-19

In a shocking discovery, nearly 8 million euros in cash were seized from the home of a doctor in Santa Maria la Carità, near Naples.

The money, found hidden in a secret room behind a wardrobe, was divided into bundles of 20, 50, 100, and 200 euro notes, wrapped in envelopes with various annotations.

The doctor, who operates in the pension sector with a practice in Pompei, failed to justify the source of the cash during a fiscal investigation by the Guardia di Finanza.

The funds, disproportionate to the doctor's declared income, were confiscated along with professional documents.

The seizure was authorized by the Torre Annunziata prosecutor's office and later validated by a judge, amid suspicions of aggravated fraud against the state and receipt of stolen goods.

Investigations continue to uncover the origins of the illicit funds.