
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ferragosto: A Global Tapestry of Traditions

Published: 2024-08-15

Ferragosto, celebrated on August 15th, is a day deeply rooted in history and tradition across various cultures.

Originating from the Roman Feriae Augusti, established by Emperor Augustus in 18 B.


to mark the end of the harvest, it has evolved into a significant holiday in Italy and beyond.

In Italy, it coincides with the Catholic feast of the Assumption of Mary, marked by processions and communal gatherings.

The tradition of day trips and picnics, popularized during the Fascist era, remains a staple.

Globally, the day is celebrated in diverse ways: in Spain, with the Virgen de la Paloma festivities; in Poland, as a day to honor the Divine Mother of Herbs; and in Japan, as part of the Obon festival.

Each culture brings its unique flavor to the day, from culinary traditions to religious rituals, making Ferragosto a vibrant tapestry of global customs.