
Italy Today

Italian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Bradyseism Draws Tourists Despite Seismic Activity

Published: 2024-08-18

The phenomenon of bradyseism in the Campi Flegrei region continues to be a point of interest, with the ground rising at a rate of 20 millimeters per month, totaling 13.5 centimeters since the beginning of the year.

This data, released by the Osservatorio Vesuviano, highlights a slowdown in the ground uplift but not a halt.

Despite the ongoing seismic activity, with 70 minor earthquakes recorded in a week, experts assure there are no immediate signs of significant changes.

Interestingly, the bradyseism has not deterred tourists; instead, it seems to have attracted more foreign visitors, with a 15% increase in international tourism.

The local beaches remain crowded, indicating that the natural phenomena might be adding a unique allure to the region.

Meanwhile, a recent minor seismic swarm in the area, with magnitudes reaching up to 2.3, has been monitored closely by local authorities, who report no critical issues.